
I give a brief review of the search for a proper definition of energy in General Relativity (GR), a far from trivial quest, which was only completed after four and a half decades. The equally (or perhaps more) difficult task of establishing its positivity—it was to take another 15 plus years—will then be summarized. Extension to cosmological GR is included. Mention is made of some recent offshoots. An invitation to submit a review to the Proceedings of the Royal Society prompts revisiting a subject of central importance both to GR and to my own past research—its energy definition and positivity. While there are no loose ends left, a summary may be of some use to students and non-experts. Exposure to introductory GR is useful. We will divide this survey into two unequal parts: first, the original GR without a cosmological constant, then extend it to the rather different two cases of Λ ≠ 0 .

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