
A set of easy-to-use general purpose software routines for data acquisition in experiments using a GEC-Elliot CAMAC interface is described. The software concerned is based on Digital's IAS real-time operating system and consists of a fast multi-user CAMAC driver, a number of service routines and a FORTRAN library of user-friendly subroutines. The multi-user approach allows several data acquisition programs to be run simultaneously on different terminals. The CAMAC driver supports direct memory access channels, lists and loops of N-A-F functions (software emulated data-channel) and single module operations. Typical data transfer rates on a PDP-11/34 are 150K words per second for hardware direct memory channels and 40K words per second for software lists and loops. An example of application of this software in pionic- and muonic-atom experiments at NIKHEF-K in Amsterdam and in muon-induced fission experiments at SIN-Villigen, Switzerland is given.

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