
Agada Tantra is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda that deals with many types of poisons and how to cope with them for the treatment of Visha, Aacharya Charaka revealed twenty-four (24) treatment techniques that should be used while treating the poison patients depending on the situation. In terms of poison control, Chaturvinshati upakramas are special. The majority of them appear to be founded on the same contemporary medical basis. They are found in all forms of Visha, including Sthavara, Jangama, and others. In the majority of situations, the physician should choose Upakrama based on the type of Visha. Prakruti (constitution), Satmya (compatibility), Ritu (season), Desha (location), Vega (impulse), and Bala (balance) are some of the Vedic terms (strength and weakness of both the patient and poison). Resuscitation, removal of unabsorbed poison, application of antidotes, elimination of absorbed poison, symptomatic care, and overall patient health are the essential concepts. When we compare Ayurveda and contemporary medicine in this regard, we discover that all of the ideas that modern medicine suggests have been detailed in Ayurvedic Samhitas for thousands of years. We attempted to explore the broad concepts of Ayurvedic poisoning therapy with specific reference to Charaka's Chaturvinshati Upakrama (twenty-four modalities) with the help of this article.

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