
The paper presents an alternative to rockets general planetary vehicle (GPV) and industrial space necklace Orbit (ISN Orbit), which are a single complex necessary for the non-rocket near space exploration. The authors analyzed the conceptual design of the GPV and ISN Orbit, described their main characteristics, compared the impact of the GPV and launch vehicles on the Earthэs ecology. The principle of the GPV movement is based on centrifugal forces arising from the GPV acceleration in the plane of the equator. This is the main difference from rocket engines, which principle of operation is set up on the use of jet motion. The differentiation in the operation principles of the GPV and launch vehicles leads to serious variety in the energy required to lift the GPV to the near-Earth orbit and, accordingly, the variety in cost per payload ton. The concept of the ISN Orbit is described. The complex should serve as a basis for the removal of harmful industry to the near-Earth orbit and become a launching pad for active expansion into space. The GPV and ISN Orbit are effective means for the complex and progressive solution of environmental problems on Earth and productive implementation of space direction.

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