
1. Transection of the projective connections of the cortex of a single hemisphere in cats during the first hours after surgery did not result in appreciable changes in the RF's of the cells of the SI zone of the opposite side. 2. After five to seven months following surgery approximately half of all cells of the given zone lost the sensitivity to somatic stimulation, while the majority of the other cells possessed indistinct, blurred responses to stimulation of the entire contralateral half of the body. 3. After 9–12 months following the time of surgery the SI zone of the opposite hemisphere was dominated by cells in which the reactogenic zones were situated both on the contra- and on the ipsilateral side of the body. The recorded transformations of the RF's of cells of the investigated neocortical zone are a reflection of the processes of compensation of disturbances of somatic sensitivity evoked by transaction of the projective connections of the cortex of the opposite hemisphere.

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