
In ocular drug development, an early estimate of drug behavior before any in vivo experiments is important. The pharmacokinetics (PK) and bioavailability depend not only on active compound and excipients but also on physicochemical properties of the ocular drug formulation. We propose to utilize PK modelling to predict how drug and formulational properties affect drug bioavailability and pharmacokinetics. A physiologically relevant PK model based on the rabbit eye was built to simulate the effect of formulation and physicochemical properties on PK of pilocarpine solutions and fluorometholone suspensions. The model consists of four compartments: solid and dissolved drug in tear fluid, drug in corneal epithelium and aqueous humor. Parameter values and in vivo PK data in rabbits were taken from published literature. The model predicted the pilocarpine and fluorometholone concentrations in the corneal epithelium and aqueous humor with a reasonable accuracy for many different formulations. The model includes a graphical user interface that enables the user to modify parameters easily and thus simulate various formulations. The model is suitable for the development of ophthalmic formulations and the planning of bioequivalence studies.

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