
This article presents a five-step approach to the rehabilitation of sports injuries. (1) pain management; (2) specific exercise instruction for treatment of localized functional disturbances/motion restrictions; (3) training therapy to increase localized and general physical performance; (4) patient education and instruction of an individualized home/gym program and for precautions and injury prevention; and (5) enhancement of psychological performance. Described are the negative sequelae of a sports-related injury or immobilization after surgery on joints, bones and circulatory system, with particular emphasis of the effects on the involved musculature. The negative impact of an injury on generalized physical performance is presented (deconditioning syndrome). The course of rehabilitation requires a specific functional diagnosis, so as to implement an individualized treatment plan. Regular and objective follow-up/monitoring is suggested within the context of projected goals. The specific steps are described. Pain and discomfort can impede the restoration process and must be addressed effectively. Even though many questions remain to be answered in the field of muscular rehabilitation, the present day knowledge coupled with successful empirical interventions allow the introduction of effective and efficient rehabilitation concepts.

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