
We present the possible signatures appearing in general realizations of the minimal supersymmetric standard model based on 14 unrelated mass parameters at the supersymmetry scale. The parameters of the general minimal supersymmetric standard model are reduced by assuming a degeneracy of the sfermions of the first two generations with the same quantum numbers. We also assume no mass splitting between neutral and charged Higgsinos. We do allow for separate soft breaking terms for the third-generation sfermons. We consider all possible resulting $14!\ensuremath{\approx}9\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{10}$ relevant mass orderings and check for the dominant decay cascades and the corresponding collider signatures. In determining the dominant decay modes we assume that mixing between sparticles is subdominant. As preferred signatures, we consider charged leptons, missing transverse momentum, jets, and $W$, $Z$ or Higgs bosons. We include also the cases of bi- and trilinear $R$-parity violation and show that specific signatures can be used to distinguish the different scenarios.

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