
Generalised Dirac–Maxwell equations (GDM) are extended to describe non-abelian vector bosons by forming SU(2) multiplet. Noether’s conserved current is investigated by forming suitable Lagrangian for the theory. General electrodynamics (GED) equations are obtained as Euler–Lagrange equations. Higgs mechanism leads to eigenvalue problem with masses of the bosons as eigenvalues. The sources of the fields have only improper conservation. Analogous to abelian vector bosons, non-abelian vector bosons also are seen to have nuclear structure with massive nucleus. There occur two types of SU(2) sheets, each of three non-abelian vector bosons: one group contains one bradyon and two tachyon vector bosons, whereas the other group contains one tachyon and two bradyon vector bosons. Physical Z and W bosons are formed from the eigenvectors of U(1) and SU(2). The Z and W bosons do not have the same coupling strengths in SU(2).

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