
Human trafficking is a real social phenomenon with destructive repercussions on the entire society, materialized by serious violations of human rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity or integrity of human beings. This phenomenon has existed since the most remote times, being manifested especially in the form of forced labor, that is, slavery, a form that can still be found even today. Although we live in such a developed society, the facts involving the trafficking of persons, minors, slaves, cells and tissues of human origin are more and more numerous. If we take a simple look at the statistics made by the competent bodies regarding the number of trafficked persons, victims of such a barbaric act, we will find that it is on a continuous rise. In this sense, with the passage of time, the states of the world have been concerned with finding the most suitable, but also effective measures so necessary to prevent and combat the trafficking of live meat, being outlined a series of national and international acts.

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