
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the married couples whose infertility was caused by male factor. There were analyzed 420 cases applied for auxiliary reproductive technologies (ART) at the Institute of Reproductive Medicine (Kyiv), where 140 couples used the method of male sperm insemination, 180 – intracytoplasmatic spermatozoa injection and 100 – intracytoplasmatic injection of morphologically selected spermatozoa. It was noted that with the patient’s age increase, more complicated reproductive technologies are used. In all cases the women were younger, but only after 40 years the difference with a male age is reliable. For the >1 – < 5 years period an absence of native pregnancy shows the main bulk of references (65.5%) to ART. There were revealed preconditions of male infertility, formed into factors, their signs, with assessment of informative value. It was proved that with the increase of aggravating circumstances, the ART complicacy also grows. The received data are of interest in plane of improvement of prophylactics, informative enlightenment, possession of information about ART.

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