
Recently we have studied in great detail a model of Hybrid Natural Inflation (HNI) by constructing two simple effective field theories. These two versions of the model allow inflationary energy scales as small as the electroweak scale in one of them or as large as the Grand Unification scale in the other, therefore covering the whole range of possible energy scales. In any case the inflationary sector of the model is of the form V(ϕ)=V0 (1+a cos(ϕ/f)) where 0⩽ a<1 and the end of inflation is triggered by an independent waterfall field. One interesting characteristic of this model is that the slow-roll parameter ϵ(ϕ) is a non-monotonic function of ϕ presenting a maximum close to the inflection point of the potential. Because the scalar spectrum \U0001d4abs(k) of density fluctuations when written in terms of the potential is inversely proportional to ϵ(ϕ) we find that \U0001d4abs(k) presents a minimum at ϕmin. The origin of the HNI potential can be traced to a symmetry breaking phenomenon occurring at some energy scale f which gives rise to a (massless) Goldstone boson. Non-perturbative physics at some temperature T<f might occur which provides a potential (and a small mass) to the originally massless boson to become the inflaton (a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson). Thus the inflaton energy scale Δ is bounded by the symmetry breaking scale, Δ≡ VH1/4 <f. To have such a well defined origin and hierarchy of scales in inflationary models is not common. We use this property of HNI to determine bounds for the inflationary energy scale Δ and for the tensor-to-scalar ratio r.

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