
Enderson, J. H. 1965. A breeding and migration survey of the Peregrine Falcon.Hudson, R. 1966. Adult survival estimates for two Antarctic petrels.Kobriger, G. D. 1965. Status, movements, habitats, and foods of Prairie Grouse on a sandhills refuge.Lindhe, U. 1966, (The choice of prey of Tengmalm's Owl (Aegolius funereus) in LyskseleParker, S. A. 1963. A note on the habits of Mayrornis schistaceus Mayr (Muscicapide) of the Southwest Pacific.Parker, S. A. 1963. Nidification of the genus Melanocharis Sclater (Dicaeidae).Pitman, C. R. S. 1962. Notes on the African Finfoot Podica senegalensis (Vieillot) with particular reference to Uganda.Percy, (the late) Lord William 1963. Further notes on the African Finfoot, Podica senegalensis (Vieillot).Pitman, C. R. S. 1963. The breeding of the Great Spotted Cuckoo Clamator glandarius L. in Iraq and a note on the Iraq eggs of the Kashmir Magpie Pica pica bactriana Bp.Pitman, C. R. S. 1963. The nesting of the Black‐bellied Seed‐cracker, Pirenestes ostrinus in Uganda, and notes on its habitat and classification.Reid, B. 1965. The Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) egg.Skutch, A. F. 1966. Life history notes on three tropical American cuckoos.Stonehouse, B. 1966. Emperor Penguin colony at Beaufort Island, Ross Sea, Antarctica.Sulkava, P. 1964. (On the behaviour and food habits of the Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) during the nesting season).Sulkava, S. 1964. (The Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) and its feeding habits in south and central Finland.)Taylor, R. H. 1964. Adelie Penguin rookeries in the Ross Dependency.Walkinshaw, L. H. 1966. Summer biology of Traill's Flycatcher.Westerkov, K. 1965. Utilization of grit by Pheasants in New Zealand.

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