
This article, rich in detail, provides an overview of architecture in Barcelona in the wake of the 1992 Olympics and, by extension, a “recent genealogy of modernity.” Although the emphasis falls on younger, less established architects and architectural teams, the authors provide a critical review—via reference to rhe avant-garde legacy of the GATCPAC (Grup d’Arquitectes i Tècnics Catalans per al Progrés de l’Arquitectura Contemporània)—of the Grup R, Oriol Bohigas and the “Escola de Barcelona,” Óscar Tusquets, Albert Viaplana, Helio Piñón, and others. Centered on architecture, the article also engages concurrent developments in lirerature, painting, and film. In its attention to smaller works wavering between the contrasting if complementary values of seny and rauxa, it provides a critical take on the penchant for large emblematic structures by (often foreign) architectural superstars.

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