
Macronuclear deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in hypotrichous ciliates consists of a set of linear molecules ranging in size from 0.5 to several tens of kilobases and typically carrying a single gene. Each minichromosome is present at a ploidy of >or=1,000 per macronucleus. These molecules are known as gene-sized molecules. Multigene molecules are also present, but are still poorly described. In analyzing the encystment-excystment cycle of Sterkiella histriomuscorum, we have characterized a set of 21 macronuclear molecules both at the DNA and complementary DNA (cDNA) levels. On a total of 23 validated coding sequences, we mapped the 5' and 3' untranslated regions for a subset of 10 and 18 transcripts, respectively. A combination of DNA and cDNA data allows us to precisely determine several structural features of macronuclear chromosomes, such as the organization of multigene molecules, an intron content higher than expected, and a conserved sequence surrounding the initiation transcription site. It also reveals one coding sequence containing a transcribed 10-bp element that displays the characteristic features of internal eliminated sequences (IES). Its presence in a fraction of the minichromosomes carrying this gene raises the possibility of an incomplete IES excision process during the development of the S. histriomuscorum macronucleus.

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