
Bovine viral diarrhoea viruses (BVDVs) are ubiquitous viral pathogens of cattle. These viruses exist as one of two biotypes, cytopathic and noncytopathic, based on the ability to induce cytopathic effect in cell culture. The noncytopathic biotypes are able to establish inapparent, persistent infections in both cell culture and in bovine foetuses of less than 150 days gestation. Interactions with the host cell and the mechanism by which viral tolerance is established are unknown. To examine the changes in gene expression that occur following infection of host cells with BVDV, serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE), a global gene expression technology was used. SAGE allows quantitation of virtually every transcript in a cell type without prior sequence information. Transcript expression levels and identities are determined by sequencing libraries composed of concatamers of 14 base DNA fragments (tags) derived from the 3′-end of each cellular mRNA transcript. Comparison of data obtained from uninfected and BVDV genotype 2-infected cell libraries revealed changes in gene expression associated with distinct biochemical pathways or functions. Isotypes of both α- and β-tubulins were down-regulated, indicating possible dysfunction in cell division and other functions where microtubules play a major role. Expression of genes encoding proteins involved in energy metabolism were expressed at essentially equivalent levels in both infected and uninfected cells. Genes encoding proteins involved in protein translation and post-translational modifications, functions necessary for viral replication, were generally up-regulated. These data indicate that following infection with BVDV, changes in gene expression occur that are beneficial for virus replication while having only minor changes in energy metabolism.

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