
The plant genes involved in cellular signaling and metabolism have not been fully identified, while the function(s) of many of those which have are as yet incompletely characterized. Gene expression analysis allows the identification of genes and the study of their relationship with cellular processes. There are several options available for studying gene expression, including the use of cDNA and microarray libraries and techniques such as suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH), differential display (DD), RNA fingerprinting by arbitrary primed PCR (RAP), expressed sequence tags (EST), serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE), representational difference analysis (RDA), cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) and RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq). Focusing on defense-related processes in plants, we present a brief review and examples of each of these methodologies and their advantages and limitations regarding the study of plant gene expression.


  • It is known that defense mechanisms in plants are complex

  • The survival of the pathogen in the host involves several specific gene products and depends on the regulation of virulence genes, in that for a successful infection it is necessary that avirulence genes be expressed at specific stages of infection [6,7]

  • In the context of this paper, plant transcriptomics refers to the study of differential gene expression and the molecular mechanisms involved in plant-pathogen interactions

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It is known that defense mechanisms in plants are complex. During infection, cellular metabolism can be subverted by the pathogen towards its own survival, suppressing the defense responses of the host and favoring compatibility [1,2]. The activation of defense processes in plants is initiated by the recognition by host cells of molecules either within the membrane of pathogens or produced by them This interaction involves protein phosphorylation, ion fluxes, formation of reactive oxygen species, activation of transcription factors and endogenous signals, such as hormones, and the expression of several genes related to. Paper, plant transcriptomics refers to the study of differential gene expression and the molecular mechanisms involved in plant-pathogen interactions. Such interactions may enable, disable, increase or decrease the expression of several defense-response related genes, the products of which may be involved in different cellular pathways [9,11,12,13]. There are several methodologies and strategies that can be used to study gene expression, the most important of which are as follows: complementary DNA (cDNA) libraries; cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) analysis; microarray analysis; suppressive subtractive hybridization (SSH); differential display (DD); RNA fingerprinting by arbitrary primed PCR (RAP-PCR); expressed sequence tag (EST) sequencing; serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE); representational difference analysis (RDA); and RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq)

Advantages and Limitations
Final Considerations
Methodology Microarray
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