
The article deals with gender-educational technologies as psychological and pedagogical accompaniment of professional training for future doctors in higher medical. Defined psychological conditions and means of gender culture of medical students as a necessary component of the forming doctor’s professional competence and egalitarian consciousness. Indicated that imp-lementation of gender-educational technologies as a psychological and pedagogical accompaniment on the basis of personality-oriented approach which involves the preparation of young people - students of medical university, a flexible social sex repertoire of behavior and different spheres of life, taking into account their abilities, preferences, inclinations, opportunities. Promoted the idea of balance and inter-changeability of gender roles, completeness of individuality, harmonic integrity of the individual, regardless of the gender identity. Based on results of testing and implementation of gender-educational technologies in educational process determined that a learning environment in higher medical school is filled with gender content, creating conditions for upbringing and gender culture of tolerance of future doctors. Author introduced a special course on psychology and gender-oriented training psycho-pedagogical orientation.Further prospects of research is the implementation of gender-egalitarian approach to the content of educational and extracurricular work in higher medical school at the stages of under-graduate and postgraduate education of future doctors and conducting gender-educational arrangements (seminars, thematic lessons, roundtables and training on gender issues).Keywords: gender identity, assertiveness, personality-oriented approach, an egalitarian consciousness, gender and educational technologies, psychological and pedagogical accompaniment.

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