
Healthcare is central to sustainable development, but it is underfunded in many developing countries like Nigeria. This study empirically examined gender variations and inequity in healthcare financing in Nigeria. It specifically analyzed inequity by gender and differences in healthcare financing among states in Nigeria using Dagum's approach for decomposition of the Gini coefficient. The data was sourced from the National Bureau of Statistics National Living Standard Survey. Empirical results showed that healthcare financing gender inequity exists in Nigeria. In addition, variations in healthcare financing inequity among states in Nigeria were found. It is recommended that different population groups be covered to achieve the broader equity and effectiveness goals when implementing healthcare financing reforms. Furthermore, governments in various states should step up efforts to assist disadvantaged and oppressed communities, such as poor indigenous people, in terms of healthcare utilization, which could reduce the healthcare financing burden. Keywords: Healthcare Financing, Inequity, Gini Coefficient, Gender Variation, Income Distribution

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