
The examination of gender-based violence and domestic abuse among migrant women across the world has received very limited attention to date. This is partly because the gendered nature of migration processes has only received sustained consideration in the last decade or so, together with the fact that gender-based violence has only recently been fully recognized as an important issue both academically and in policy terms. However, the limited research available on gender-based violence suggests that gendered power relations are at the root of such abuse and that migrant women are especially vulnerable. Yet, while research on gender-based and domestic violence among immigrant communities is increasing, there remains very little work in the European or British context, with most concentrated on North America and especially among Asian and to a lesser extent among Latin Americans (however, see Beckett and Macey 2001; Gill and Rehman 2004; Macey 1999).KeywordsDomestic ViolenceLabor Force ParticipationImmigrant WomanFemale Genital MutilationMigrant WomanThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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