
The current study focuses on the key elements limiting the political representation of women in the modern world. In order to eliminate discrimination, some countries introduce gender quotas for political participation. Studying the legal framework of modern Georgia shows that, despite the existing common legal basis for the equality of women and men, the reality in political life is different. The lack of effective quota mechanisms significantly weakens the realization of womens civil and political rights. Stereotypical attitudes and perceptions about the role of women in society are the main barriers to recruiting in the political and administrative deployment. Considering the gender aspect of political representation as a complex problem necessitated a systematic approach. The historical and comparative method was used to study the evolution of gender equality. A separate group of methods used in the article was made up of the political and legal analysis of empirical database national statistics. The article shows how the Georgian Parliament affects the position of women in politics by introducing mandatory quotas for national and local government elections, increasing the likelihood of women running, being elected and appointed.


  • Common development theory begins with the hypothesis that traditional society is characterized by sharply differentiated gender roles that affect both women and men in society

  • According to the symbolic argument, the activities of a female politician serve as some kind of a role model and attract women to engage in politics, regardless of which party or political force the woman represents: it is still a raw theory very much dependent on unique social characteristics

  • The difference between the participation rates of women and men in Georgian politics can be explained by the fact that they have different interests and desire to participate in politics

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Гендерное квотирование политического участия на примере Грузии

В фокусе внимания – исследование ключевых факторов, ограничивающих политическое представительство женщин в современном мире. Залогом защиты от дискриминации служит успешное проведение гендерного квотирования политического участия. RUDN Journal of Political Science, 2022, 24(1), 136–147 правовой основы для равноправия женщин и мужчин, реальность в политической жизни иная. Отсутствие эффективных механизмов квотирования заметно ослабляет реализацию гражданских и политических прав женщин. Рассмотрение гендерного аспекта политического представительства как комплексной проблемы обусловило необходимость применения системного подхода. Отдельную группу используемых в статье методов составил политико-правовой анализ эмпирических данных национальной статистики. В статье показано, как законодательная власть Грузии, вводя обязательные квоты для национальных и местных правительственных структур, влияет на положение женщин в политике, увеличивая вероятность того, что они будут баллотироваться, избираться и назначаться. Ключевые слова: Грузия, гендерные квоты, политическое представительство, стереотипы, власть.

Political Process Regulatory Gender Quotas
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