
As a relatively new research topic in local context, the study of the impression management strategies among young adults from the gender perspective is relevant both theoretically and empirically. The theoretical significance lies in the need for a comparative analysis of classical and recent studies conducted in various countries. Empirical investigation is of interest especially from the perspective of gender study of the phenomenon to identify and compare impression management strategies, used by young men and women in various contexts and interactions in the local environment (interpersonal relationships, workplace, organizational or public space), thus, we find this research actual as it would provide a better understanding of the strategies that young men and women use in to create a favourable image of themselves in various social contexts but also to suggest intervention for a better impression management of the public image in various social contexts by young adults and not only. Although at the international level, there are several studies analysing impression management strategies, at the national level, such studies are a few. In this sense, the studies carried out abroad served as conceptual support in the elaboration of the empirical approach carried out in the present research. Given the fact that impression management strategies are quite varied, we start from the premise that we will identify not only the strategies used in various social contexts but also differences in their manifestation and intensity, between men and women.

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