
Not all women can be independent in living their lives, this could be because women experience dependency, fear of independence and have a deep desire to be cared for and protected by others. As explained earlier, socio-cultural influences cause women to be educated, nurtured and raised by conditioning them as weak creatures, thus creating dependence. Cinderella complex is a form of psychological phenomenon that is not widely known by the general public. Cinderella Complex talks about the independence that psychologists experience in women. One of the increasing roles of women in society can be seen from the variety of jobs currently occupied by women. The field of science is not beyond the reach of women, as evidenced by the large number of auditors, financial managers and financial staff for professions that are normally synonymous with the work of men occupied by women. This research is a descriptive study, so there are no dependent and independent variables, the variable in this study is the cinderella complex variable for female workers who majored in accounting at Mahadhika College of Economics in Surabaya. The Cinderella complex for female students majoring in accounting at Mahardhika College of Economics Surabaya is in the medium category, which means that the fear of independence is not too heavy. The complex aspect of cinderella that has the biggest obstacle is the passive aspect of making decisions and developing oneself and the one that has the smallest contribution is the tendency to rely on others.

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