
Synopsis This article focuses on gender mainstreaming, a relatively recent strategy to bridge gender gaps in diverse aspects of university life. It analyses gender mainstreaming, in relation to systems, structures, and processes, as well as the varied actors involved in this process. It assesses the parameters within which the strategy can be applied. The influence of gender mainstreaming in the wider university community and within the academic and administrative programmes is assessed. The experience of Makerere University in Uganda is the basis for the analysis. The article draws on a wider research project focusing on gender equity in higher education in Uganda with special attention on issues of access, curriculum and staff development. The research involved extensive documentary reviews. Interviews with key selected stakeholders, representative of students, academic and administrative staff and top-decision makers and implementers were also conducted. The Makerere University gender mainstreaming model is unique in its combination of both academic and institutional interventions — a full-fledged vibrant academic Department of Women and Gender Studies and a Gender Mainstreaming Division strengthens the Gender Mainstreaming Programme (GMP). The Programme has the official recognition of the highest governing organ of the University (the Council) and has clear and recognized tentacles in lower organs of the University. A large number of both male staff and students at various levels are involved. The article suggests that the application of a gender mainstreaming strategy is possible, though complex. The case study institution analysed shows some progress but there are still many challenges relating to structural issues, sustainability, policy formulation, the commitment of actors involved, and the whole aspect of attitudinal change both at individual level and collectively for the institution. Positive aspects and the achievements of the intervention are analysed.

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