
The text focuses on female and male leadership characteristics and images. By demonstrating the relationship between gender and leadership and exploring the current state of the gender gap as an introduction, gender is linked to leadership, demonstrating that male leadership is a transactional leadership style, task-orientated, goal-orientated when in power, able to be decisive, possessing a winning attitude, and likewise possessing the disadvantages of being authoritarian and a climber. In contrast, females predominantly use transformational leadership styles and can diversify their leadership demonstrations to change the Management styles. Womens leadership is based on empowerment, and they can also demonstrate humanistic care in organisations by being democratic and collegial, gaining insight into the needs of their subordinates, and developing and mentoring their staff. Although female leaders also have advantages in intuition and communication, they are more sensitive to things, easily emotional, and less recognised in stereotypes, and these shortcomings can be a hindrance to the promotion of women like executives. Furthermore, different gender combinations can have different impacts on organisational performance. Finally, since male and female gender leadership will tend to be homogeneous with the development of the times, suggestions are made on how to narrow the gender gap and how to use gender leadership according to the three aspects of society, company and individual, to achieve the enhancement of organisational performance.

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