
Throughout India, gender inequality persists, despite the increasing growth rate and ample policy initiatives to promote gender equality. The denial of equality of the sexes not only inhibits the exposure of females to educational opportunities and various resources but as well as holds back the future generation's prospective growth potential. Gender-based preferential discrimination has been observed since childhood. The girls are seen as being liabilities and burdens. Government policies have strengthened; however, gender differences haven't yet stopped as well as the child sex imbalance has increased much. Improvements in attitude towards girls/women are instead significant. Unless women are treated with equality and have equal privileges, only then can human society be rather beneficial? Through education, a nationwide understanding can be developed for achieving the advantageous results of gender equality between men and women. This article attempted to evaluate the gender inequality issue that prevails in the Indian subcontinent. The paper utilizes bibliometric analysis to compare India's situation with respect to other countries in Asia. The report not only explores the magnitude, policy implications and causes of this central issue, however, in this system and also proposes ideological steps to minimize gender inequalities in India.

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