
Part I: Introduction and Background 1. Introduction 2. What Do We Know about the Effects of Single-Sex Schools in the Private Sector: What are the Implications for [US] Public Schools? 3. Challenging the System: Assumptions and Data behind the Push for Single-Sex Schooling 4. The Legality of Single-Sex Education in the United States: Sometimes Equal Means Different Part II: Public Single-Sex Schooling in Changing Policy Contexts 5. The Intersection of Educational Reforms: Single-Gender Academics in a Public Middle Schools 6. Engendering Public Education: Single-sex Schooling in Western Canada 7. Are Single-Sex Schools Sustainable in the Public Sector? Part III: The Transition from Single-Sex and Coeducation 8. The Transition to Coeducation at Wheaton College: Conscious Coeducation and Gender Equity in Higher Education 9. Conservative Intent, Liberating Outcomes: The History of Coordinate Colleges for Women 10. Gender Integration at Virginia Military Institute and the United States Military Academy at West Point 11. Studying Gender Consciousness in Single-Sex and Coeducational High Schools Part IV: Single-Sex Schooling and Students' Attitudes and Experiences in School 12. Single-Sex Classes: Girls and Boys See It Differently 13. Single-Gender or Coeducation for Middle-School Girls: Does It Make a Difference in Math? 14. Participation in Science Courses in the Final Year of High School in Australia: The Influences of Single-Sex and Coeducational Schools Part V: Constructions of Gender in Single-Sex Schooling 15. Girls in the Company of Girls: Social Relations and Gender Construction in Single-Sex Drama Education 16. Constructions of Masculinity in California's Single-Gender Academies 17. Constructions of Gender in Parents' Choice of a Single-Sex School for Their Daughters

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