
The gender gap in futures research, rooted in male dominance, results in limited visibility of female futurists and neglect of women's issues. This study focuses on the gender data gap as an indicator of the existing gender gap in futures research and analyze the literature employing the Delphi technique—a widely employed research method in this field. When societal gender gaps influence data collection and utilization, a gender data gap arises, leading to underrepresentation of women's perspectives and experiences. The Delphi method, operates on the principle of expertise, may inadvertently exclude women experts whose expertise tends to be underrecognized. Our analysis, based on Temin and Roca (2016)’s definition of gender data, shows the gender data gap in the futures research literature. The gender gap in futures research, demonstrated by gender data gap, not only colonizes women's futures, but also impedes the potential for planning, social decision-making, and policies aimed at fostering a gender-equitable future. Futures research holds the potential to serve as a tool for decolonization. To achieve a future free of gender disparities, it’s imperative to address issues directly relevant to women but also crucial for humanity as the main challenges of futures research and ensure women’s participation.

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