
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a condition characterized by the production of procoagulant antibodies, which in turn increases the risk of thrombotic events in multiple blood vessels and is associated with recurrent miscarriages and premature births. The study aimed to identify and analyze the gender trends of the first authors in PubMed-indexed publications related to APS. The present cross-sectional studyanalyzed all PubMed-indexed articles published between January 2018 and December 2022. All articles with the term "antiphospholipid syndrome" in their titles were included in the study. Full names and countries were used to determine the gender of the author in the NamSor application program interface (API) and statistical analysis was done using R software version 4.3.1 (R Core Team, Vienna,Austria) and the AutoregressiveIntegratedMovingAverage (ARIMA) model. Finally, a total of 1176 articles were evaluated in the study after the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. The highest number of publications by female first authors was in the year 2022 with a total of 132 articles published. Forecasting predicts that by 2027, approximately 122 articles will be published by male authors and 132 articles will be published by female authors.The highest female-to-male publication ratio is seen in Russia, with a ratio of 2, followed closely by Poland (1.86)and Greece (1.85). In conclusion, gender equality has not significantly improved in the field of APS research. Thus, the gender gaps must be addressed, to advance the medical field, improve patient care, and ultimately contribute to better health outcomes for women worldwide.

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