
<p>目的:本研究目的是比較不同性別大學生在功能性動作及關節活動度之差異。方法:45 位大學生參與,使用功能性動作篩檢 (functional movement screening, FMS)工具及自行開發之即時影像關節角度判別系統。進行七個 FMS 之角度判別,包括深蹲、跨欄、直線弓箭步、肩關節活動度、主動直膝抬腿、軀幹穩定俯臥撐、轉體穩定度,並由一位研究者進行事後錄影的人工評分。以卡方檢定分析男性與女性的七個 FMS 人工評分分數之差異;再以獨立樣本T檢定分析男性與女性在七個 FMS 動作之關節角度差異及人工評分總分結果。結果:以人工評分後發現,男性在總分 (13.6分) 顯著少於女性 (14.8分) (p < .05),且只有在主動直膝抬腿項目女性得到 3 分的人數 (55%) 高於男性 (15%) (p < .05);而加入即時影像角度判別,共有三個項目如肩關節活動度 (女性比男性好)、主動直膝抬腿 (女性比男性好)、及軀幹穩定俯臥撐 (男性比女性好) 中的關節活動度顯示出男性與女性有顯著差異 (p < .05)。結論:研究結果表示男性與女性在功能性動作及關節活動度上有所差異,男性應加強主動直膝抬腿動作及肩關節旋轉柔軟度,女性應加強核心肌群肌力,以改善功能性動作。</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the differences in functional movement and range of motion among college students of different genders. Methods: A total of 45 college students participated in this study. The functional movement screening (FMS) tool and the self-developed FMS auxiliary system for real-time joint angle image recognition. A total of seven functional movements were evaluated, including deep squats, hurdle step, in-line lunges, trunk stability push-up, active straight-leg raise, rotary stability, and shoulder mobility. The FMS auxiliary system recorded the video when the participates do those functional movements and manual grading the score by one researcher. Chi-square test analysis was used to compare the differences in the manual grading scores of the seven events of the FMS between men and women; independent samples T-test was used to analyze the differences in joint angles and FMS overall scores between men and women in the seven events of the FMS. Results: In manual grading scoring, it was found that the overall score of men (13.6 points) was lower than that of women (14.8 points), and only in the active straight-leg raise movement, the number of women who scored 3 points (55%) was higher than that of men (15%); However, adding real-time joint angle image recognition system, there are three items such as shoulder mobility (women better than men), active straight-leg raise (women better than men), and trunk stability push-up (men better than women) showed a significant difference in the range of motion between men and women. Conclusion: The results indicated that the differences was showed in functional movement patterns and range of motion between men and women. The results of this study suggest that men should strengthen the flexibility of active straight-leg raise and shoulder rotation, and women should strengthen core muscle strength to prevent the increase in the incidence of sports injuries.</p> <p> </p>

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