
The objective of this study were to describe the ways of Donald Trump and Hillary
 Clinton deliver speech in political field, to derive the characteristics of male and
 female’s poitical speech and to elaborate the reason of male and female politicians
 deliver their political speech. This researh conducted by applying descriptive qualitative
 research. The data of this study were 92 utterances of male politician and 51 utterances
 of female politician. Which were selected from male and female politicians’ presidential
 announcement speech in United States from year 2015. The findings showed that male
 and female politicians used both report and rapport talk in delivering their speech.
 Male mostly used report talk than rapport talk in show his self confidence and his
 status, and used rapport talk to gain relationship with other to gain support while
 female combine the both talk types in almost same amounts tend to imitate male
 speech behavior in order to defend her status and gain relationship with others. Male
 politician frequently show the characteristics of male communication, such as: status,
 independence, advice,information, and order in his way of delivering speech. While,
 female politician showed her support, intimacy, understanding, feeling, proposal in her
 speech. The reason why male politician used report talk whereas female politician
 used rapport talk is because male treats the language to give factual information, tease
 or thread other and show or keep his status and power, whereas female did it as a way
 to negotiate closeness and intimacy.

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