
The rapid development of digital technology has stimulated teachers with the number of competencies called digital literacy. The purpose of this study was to describe gender differences in digital literacy among prospective physics teachers. This research was conducted using a descriptive method involving 71 prospective physics teachers at a university in Tasikmalaya. They consisted of 31 males and 40 females with age 19-21 years old. Data was collected using valid digital literacy tests and interview. The collected data was processed by determining the average score of male and female students then analyzed through interview. The results showed that the mean of male’s digital literacy was higher than female. The males had a mean 57 (moderate category) and the females had a mean 53 (low category). There was a difference in digital literacy between males and females prospective physics teachers. These distinctions were influenced by their tendency in using digital technology. Some recommendations were delivered to prospective physics teachers, especially for females. They should effectively increase their digital technology use and appropriate training in the use of digital technology is needed to achieve a higher level of digital literacy.

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