
Although there is much evidence indicating that females report more depressive symptoms on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) relative to males, virtually no research has examined or reported gender differences on several other measures tapping negative affect—namely, the Expanded Attributional Styles Questionnaire (EASQ) and the Selves Questionnaire. Our first study examined gender differences on both the BDI and EASQ, and found that females reported more depressive symptoms and a more maladaptive attributional style than males. In our second study, the data revealed that, again, females were found to have a more maladaptive attributional style than males. In addition, on the Selves Questionnaire, there was a significant discrepancy between actual and ideal self for females, but not for males. When delineating most frequently used ideal categories, the data revealed that females were more likely than males to report greater strivings for ideal attributes relevant to interpersonal relationships and body image/attractiveness, whereas males reported more ideal strivings for intelligence. These data suggest some content areas in which females and males differ with regard to “traits” to which they aspire, and which may produce dejection and negative affect if not attained.

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