
To date only limited research has quantified differences between female and male activity patterns, and analyses at an individual activity level are scarce. Past research has focused on investigating gender differences in mobility levels based on observed travel patterns, especially those related to commuting. This article reports new evidence based on analyses of a household activity survey data-set collected from a Canadian city – Calgary – in 2001. Results show that contemporary females and males have a very similar activity participation pattern. On the other hand, analyses applied to activity starting times support the view that there are minor gender differences in time-of-day choices. In addition, duration and survival analyses through log-rank and Wilcoxon tests show that women and men tend to spend more or less time on some of the 10 weekend/weekday activities, and thus indicate that they share different domestic and societal responsibilities: males tend to spend longer time for out-of-home activities, such as work, school, social, and out-of-town; whereas females contribute more to domestic work, including shopping, eating, and religious activity. In general, this article contributes new evidence to gender differences in activity participation, time-of-day, and duration choices at the individual activity level. Such differences may influence travelers’ time, mode, and location choices and thus have important implications for the complexity of an activity-based modeling framework. These implications are discussed along with recommendations for incorporating gender differences in an activity-based modeling framework.

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