
Thousands of years ago, system “Madr sari” system was prevalent. Women used to live independent life. Modern agricultural system introduced “Padar.shahi” system which changed the whole situation and women became subjugated and negligible, which placed them in defiance of the historical powder and dominance under the British Rule women were granted some of basic rights giving rise to their recognition in the society. The authors including female writers presented women as a subject of their novels. One of the female writers of that era is Nazar Sajjad Haider who presented the concept of modern and independent women with bravely.She is the mother of Qrat u lain Haider. She emphasized over the issues such as modern and higher education for the women, important of women consent at the time of marriage and men’ s right of second marriage, in her writings . This research work will analyze the social position of women under the novels of Nazar Sajjad Haider. She was practically a feminist who fought against the old fashioned and feudal prevalent traditions of her time.

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