
The winning of Umi Azizah as a Tegal Regent in the period of 2018-2023 describes the achievement of the democracy which tends to be religious in Tegal. She is the first woman regent in the history of Tegal Regency. Before that, in the period of 2013-2018, she acted as the Vice Regent of Ki Enthus Susmono in leading Tegal Regency. WTP opinion was achieved by Tegal Regency after waiting for 13 years. In June 2018, Umi Azizah got 70% votes, she is chosen as the Tegal Regent after replacing Ki Enthus Susmono who passed away. Before dying, in the occasion of Halaqoh of 999 Ulama in Tegal regency, Ki Enthus said that if in the period of 2018-2023 Umi Azizah steps forward to be the candidate of Tegal Regent, then Ki Enthus will not be against her. Moreover, Ki Enthus said that he will be her supporter. In spite of her position as a political figure, Umi Azizah is also the leader of Muslimat NU (Autonomous Organization in NU) in Tegal regency. She has a strategic position as the majority of Tegal residents are Moslem and affiliated to NU. This article describes the power of Umi Azizah as a woman who is chosen to be a regent, builds political connections, and also faces political escalation with religious doctrinal campaign which has a gender bias.

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