
The article analyzes statistical information for recent years regarding the commission of criminal offenses by minor girls and boys, the gender aspect of their participation in criminal proceedings, and the main differences. It was concluded that Ukraine does not pay due attention to the gender aspect of the participation of minors in criminal proceedings.
 In science and practice don’t pay attention that the majority of girls who are arrested have unique challenges compared to boys. It is a good idea that programs for girls should be designed to take into account the unique situations of girls, as well as to address the special problems that girls face in a gendered society. Unfortunately, traditional rehabilitation strategies have largely been shaped by healthy assumptions about what young people, usually boys, need. Sometimes girls will benefit from these ideas, and sometimes they will not apply to girls' problems at all.
 According to statistics of recent years, girls are less likely to be prosecuted for serious and especially serious crimes than boys. It is considered that scientists of foreign countries actively substantiate the difference between the participation of girls and boys in the field of juvenile justice. They found a gender difference in the behavior of minors. It turned out that boys were more likely to break the law, get arrested, participate in violent crimes, and sell drugs. Instead, girls were more often prosecuted for non-violent crimes.
 Juvenile probation programs do not include a gender perspective, although it has been proven that juvenile girls and boys often have different problems that need to be addressed, and a one-size-fits-all approach may not always help. With this in mind, it is necessary to develop and implement probation programs separately for minor girls and for minor boys.

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