
This research explores the interpretation of Quran verses that mention women's role in the public sphere using a thematic approach. The study aims to synchronize these verses with resilient verses and their components, as women who dedicate themselves to the public and domestic domains require resilience. The method used is qualitative-descriptive, qualitative-descriptive namely the Analysis of the data obtained (in the form of words, images or behaviour), and not expressed in the form of numbers or statistical figures, but by providing an explanation or description of the situation or conditions studied in the form of a narrative description. It can be emphasized that descriptive qualitative is a research method that utilizes qualitative data and is described in descriptive terms. In this research, thematic interpretation is applied to identify verses related to the topic and classify them. The study reveals that the understanding of the role of women in the public sphere is from the perspective of cum Maghza, meaning that there is no division or role of patents between men and women's duties, and men and women can synergize to carry out their duties. Resilience is achieved by applying the components of resilience, including emotional regulation, desire control, optimism, causality analysis, empathy, self-efficacy, and positive achievement, along with three additional T's: Takhalli, Tahalli, and Tajalli.

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