
This study aims to promote the participation of women in the gubernatorial election. Gender issues remain an essential source of inequality in political participation since men are more politically active than women in the findings of various studies. As the second highest ranking in the Human Development Index nationally, it is surprising that Gender Development Index (GDI) in East Kalimantan Province ranks the third lowest in Indonesia. As one of GDI’s indicators, women’s political participation, in particular, in the gubernatorial election, is the study object. The election of the head of the region in East Kalimantan has so far been marked by a lack of active political participation by women, while their participation in politics is essential for gender issues, family welfare, children protection and wellbeing, education, as well as healthcare. The absence of women candidates and the governor or vice-governor was studied in terms of four aspects of political participation, i.e., voting, political campaign, political discussion, and contacting perspective. The study used a qualitative research method with data collection conducted via an interview. This revealed that, based on the study results, contact and political discussions were limited among women activists, while women, in general, were still in the voting form participation. Religion and belief are influencing factors in the voting criteria. Additionally, personal relation, closeness, and native candidate were some of the voting criteria women voters considered. The patriarchal culture common in Indonesia caused it. In conclusion, the active political participation of women can be enhanced via political education, financial support, and dissemination of gender equality propaganda instead of patriarchal culture.

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