
In most of the countries, gender equality is an important national goal. This is particularly so in some human development sectors (especially education and health). For several low-income countries, gender issues are also important in the agriculture sector. Finally, several government commitments toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) also emphasize the importance of examining resource allocations for MDG priorities, including the gender equality priority.Gender analysis of expenditure is one tool within a wide-ranging school of analysis called gender budgeting. Gender budgeting provides a range of methodologies for analysis of expenditure and revenue streams by gender, enabling policy makers, analysts and governments to understand any differential impacts on men and women of policy decisions.The investigated object of the present paper consists in gender analysis of national public expenses, and more precisely to be – expenses on education, agriculture and social insurance insights, as well we dedicated some analysis to the salary gender gap and women participation in the public sector as we think this is a key approach of better understanding the gender issue in our country through the social dimension. Of course not all public expenses could be analyzed by gender because of the lack of statistics data. Its specific objectives were to:• To study theoretical and methodological notes on gender analysis of public expenditures;• To use statistical data in order to define the main items of national expenditures;• To determine the share of expenditures of different sectors of economy in the total public expenditures;• To use all disposable data to observe the discrepancies regarding men and women, and perform the gender analysis;• To elaborate suggestions for reframing and prioritizing public expenditures to promote gender equality.

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