
In conservation of captively propagated species, conserving genetic diversity is important. Here, we present an example of the use of Genassemblage 2.0 software in conserving the genetic variation of the lake minnow (Eupallasella percnurus). This fish has low genetic variation and is at risk of extinction in the western edge of its range, which includes Poland. Fish from one Polish population were captured (23 males, 25 females). Fin clips were taken, and DNA was extracted. Polymorphic microsatellites (13) were used to prepare genetic profiles, assess genetic variation in the fish and estimate genetic diversity in their progeny. Alleles were scored using an automatic capillary sequencer. The four and eight best variants of spawning pairs, and the optimal sets for group volitional breeding (four males, four females; eight males, eight females) were identified using Genassemblage 2.0. In the sets of 8 and 16 fish for group breeding, the mean heterozygosity, the number of alleles, and the share of “weak” heterozygotes (0.493, 24, 0.239 and 0.479, 23, 0.257, respectively) were better than the mean values for the progeny of all potential breeding pairs. For group volitional breeding, one set of four males and four females, and numerous sets of eight males and eight females would enable transmission of all 33 alleles identified in the potential broodstock and an expected progeny heterozygosity of 0.441 and 0.414, respectively. These expected heterozygosity values are higher than those in the broodstock. For practical purposes, the larger sets would be preferable for avoiding a future inbreeding and genetic drift.

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