
Selective translation allows to orchestrate the expression of specific proteins in response to different signals through the concerted action of cis-acting elements and RNA-binding proteins (RBPs). Gemin5 is a ubiquitous RBP involved in snRNP assembly. In addition, Gemin5 regulates translation of different mRNAs through apparently opposite mechanisms of action. Here, we investigated the differential function of Gemin5 in translation by identifying at a genome-wide scale the mRNAs associated with polysomes. Among the mRNAs showing Gemin5-dependent enrichment in polysomal fractions, we identified a selective enhancement of specific transcripts. Comparison of the targets previously identified by CLIP methodologies with the polysome-associated transcripts revealed that only a fraction of the targets was enriched in polysomes. Two different subsets of these mRNAs carry unique cis-acting regulatory elements, the 5’ terminal oligopyrimidine tracts (5’TOP) and the histone stem-loop (hSL) structure at the 3’ end, respectively, encoding ribosomal proteins and histones. RNA-immunoprecipitation (RIP) showed that ribosomal and histone mRNAs coprecipitate with Gemin5. Furthermore, disruption of the TOP motif impaired Gemin5-RNA interaction, and functional analysis showed that Gemin5 stimulates translation of mRNA reporters bearing an intact TOP motif. Likewise, Gemin5 enhanced hSL-dependent mRNA translation. Thus, Gemin5 promotes polysome association of only a subset of its targets, and as a consequence, it favors translation of the ribosomal and the histone mRNAs. Together, the results presented here unveil Gemin5 as a novel translation regulator of mRNA subsets encoding proteins involved in fundamental cellular processes.

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