
Euglena chloroplast polypeptides are resolved by an adaptation of the two-dimensional gel electrophoretic technique of O'Farrell (1975 J Biol Chem 250: 4007-4021). The present results are compared with those obtained by our earlier two-dimensional gel analyses as well as those obtained by one-dimensional gel analyses. Up to 75 micrograms of Euglena chloroplast polypeptides are resolved on one-dimensional sodium dodecylsulfate linear gradient 7.5 to 15% polyacrylamide gels into 43 stained polypeptide bands compared to only 33 bands resolved on a similar gel containing only 10% polyacrylamide. In contrast, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (isoelectric focusing for the first dimension, sodium dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis for the second dimension) further improves the resolution of the chloroplast polypeptides and especially so when a linear gradient gel is used for the second dimension. Delipidation of Euglena chloroplasts with acetone-ether and subsequent solubilization of polypeptides with Triton X-100 followed by sonication are all necessary for successful resolution of chloroplast polypeptides on two-dimensional gels. Up to 300 micrograms of chloroplast polypeptides can be clearly resolved into 56 to 59 stainable spots by the present two-dimensional gel technique when a linear gradient gel is used for the second dimension. Thus, about 30% of the polypeptide bands on a one-dimensional gel are separated into multiple polypeptides on a two-dimensional gel. The use of two-dimensional gels to separate labeled polypeptides with subsequent detection of labeled spots by autoradiography or fluorography again improves the resolution of the chloroplast polypeptides. For example, when (35)S-labeled chloroplast polypeptides are separated by the present two-dimensional gel technique with a linear gradient polyacrylamide gel in the second dimension, autoradiography or fluorography detects over 80 individual polypeptide spots. This is about twice the number resolved by our previous analyses which used a 10% polyacrylamide gel in the second dimension. Polypeptides detected range in molecular weight from about 8.5 to about 145 kilodaltons with apparent isoelectric points from pH 4.5 to 8.0. Fluorography provides rapid detection of labeled polypeptides and is 10 times more sensitive than autoradiography.

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