
OZET Amac: Calismanin amaci gebelerde distres duzeyinin belirlenmesidir. Yontem: Tanimlayici tipteki calismanin evrenini Erzurum Kadin Dogum Hastanesi NST birimine Ocak-Eylul 2014 tarihleri arasinda basvuran gebeler olusturmaktadir. Calisma kriterlerine uyan ve calismaya katilmayi kabul eden 914 gebe orneklemi olusturmustur. Veriler, Kisisel Bilgi Formu ve Tilburg Gebelikte Distres Olcegi kullanilarak toplanmistir. Verilerin degerlendirilmesinde; yuzdelik, ortalama, t testi ve tek yonlu varyans analizi (ANOVA) kullanilmistir. Bulgular: Kadinlarin yas ortalamasi 26.69±4.92’dir. %40.8’i ilkokul mezunu, %33.4’u ilk gebeligine sahip, %85.9’u gebeligini planlamistir. Gebelerin distres puan ortalamasi 18.86±7.37’dir. Kesme noktasina gore, gebelerin %11.9’unun distress (stress, anksiyete ve depresyon) yasadigi saptanmistir. Gebelerde; yas, gelir durumu, es meslegi ve gebeligin planlanma durumunun distres puanini etkiledigi, egitim duzeyi, meslek, es egitim duzeyi, aile tipi, gebelik sayisi ve cocuk sayisinin ise distres puanini etkilemedigi belirlenmistir. Sonuclar: Calismadan elde edilen bulgulara gore gebelikte distresin onemli duzeyde oldugu saptanmistir. Distres yas, gelir durumu, es meslegi ve gebeligin planlanma durumu tarafindan etkilenmektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: Gebelik; distres; depresyon; ebelik. ABSTRACT Determination of The Level of Distress in Pregnant Women Objective : The aim of this study is to determine the level of distress in pregnant women. Method: Population of this descriptive study consisted of all the pregnant women who applied to the NST Department of Maternity Hospital in the Erzurum between January-September 2014. 914 pregnant women who complied with the inclusion criteria of the study and accepted to participate in the study constituted the sample group of the study. Personal Information Form and Tilburg Pregnancy Distress Scale were used for data collection. Evaluation of the data; percentage, mean, t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used. Results: The average age of the women was 26.69±4.92. 40.8% of these women were primary school graduate; 33.4% had their first pregnancy, 85.9% was planned the pregnancy. The d istress mean score of the pregnant women was 18.86±7.37. According to the cut-off point; 11.9% of these pregnant women experienced distress (stress, anxiety, and depression). In pregnant women; it was determined that while age, income status, spouse occupation, and pregnancy planning status affect the distress scores; education level, occupation, spouse's education level, family type, number of pregnancies and number of children not affect. Conclusion: According to the results obtained from the study, it was specified that the distress was at a significant level during pregnancy. Distress is affected by age, income status, spouse occupation, and pregnancy planning status. Keywords: Pregnancy; distress; depression; midwifery.

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