
The occurrence of diverse secondary metabolites have been reported from different species of Drymaria. The present study was carried out to identify the bio compounds that are present in the ethanolic extract of Drymaria cordata an ethno medicinal plant by GC-MS analysis and to ascertain its utility by the local tribes as a plant possessing medicinal properties. Nine bioactive compounds were identified. The major compounds are 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicacid, diisooctylester (46.88%), 1,8-Octanediol (31.25%), Myo-Inosito1, 4-C-methy1- (7.81%) and 2-Octen-1-ol (7.81%) along with few minor compounds. These bioactive compounds are known to possess various properties that are of pharmacological significance and can be harnessed for human benefits.

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