
imum prescribed daily dose, and average daily equivalent dose received (total dose received per patient/number of days of treatment episode) for 8811 patients who had at least one dose of methadone in one of Wuhan’s 20 MMT programs in 2010. For patientswhohadoneormorenewtreatment episodesduring2010, we calculated initial methadone dose for new treatment episodes. Results: Over 1.3 million doses of methadone were administered to 8811patients. Patient characteristics at entry:mean age 41 years (SD 7.3); 70.6% male; 43.3% married; 73.2% live with family; 69.8%with ‘middle school’ or less education;modal age of first drug use 28 (SD 7.4) and mean duration of drug use 13.2 years (SD 5.5); 62.5% had injection drug use in the pastmonth. 74%wereHCVpositive and 0.28%wereHIV positive. 83% had only 1 treatment episode in 2010, 12.2% had 2 and 1.3% had 4 or more episodes within the year (range 1–7 episodes); 7% of treatment episodes lasted only one day. The modal maximum dose was 80mg of methadone per day, with themeanmaximumdoseof77mg(range5–235mg), anddaily equivalent dose per treatment episode was 39.6mg methadone (SD 24.1). For those who had a new treatment episode in 2010 (1475/8811), the mean starting dose for a new treatment episode was 65.5mg (SD 25.8). Conclusions: The rapid expansion of MMT in China has attracted a large number of admissions, but provision of safe and effective methadone dosages and optimizing treatment outcomes (e.g., retention) are identified as priority areas for improving treatment. Financial support: Supported by NIDA DA026797 & CMHC/DMHAS/State of Connecticut.

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