
Dance work Bedhaya Santri is a dance work created by Hadawiyah Endah Utami. This reseach discusses the style of creating dance Bedhaya Santri. This reseach aims to discribe the form of serving and creation style present in Santri Bedhaya dance. The method wit data that is characterixed and choreographic approach, which thourgh resistence collection of data namely observation, interview and library studiens. The problems present in this study are discussed using the basis of the theory of Janet Adshead to analyze the form of dance Bedhaya Santri and the style of Dance Creation Bedhaya Santri and Adina Armelagos. The result of Bedhaya Santri dance reseach that discusses the form of serving in it consists of three parts: forward beksan, beksan, reverse beksan. Dance number seven female dancers. Dance music uses Javanese gamelan and sholawat as a mean of approaching yourself to Allah. Makeup uses beautiful makeup, as well as costumes using clothes that cover aurat and face cover curtains as a hallmark in Bedhaya Santri dance. The style of dance creation Bedhaya Santri discusses the characteristic of Hadawiyah Endah Utami in the process of training the body with calm Javan dance tecnique, flowing san detail. The characteristic of the idea of dance breating Islam by processing motion during prayer. The hallmark of the shape of Bedhaya Santri dance is the dancer with ideal posture, costume in the body of women, surtains in the body of women, curtains face over, sholawat tunel, pattern flor manembahing Gusti, smooth, flowing, and broken motion to bring about the impression of dasp, thus making the precial style of choreographer to create work with new innovation of Islamic dance.

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