
Collaborative leadership style is a leadership practice centered on cooperation, knowledge sharing and experience. Through collaborative leadership, social learning and communication processes can be done more effectively. The new policies introduced in the Malaysian education system add to the burden for educators to implement. This at the same time causes teachers to be dissatisfied with their work. Based on the literature, collaborative leadership style can help teachers in performing tasks more productively while increasing their level of job satisfaction. This study aims to identify the level of collaborative practice of principals, the level of job satisfaction of teachers, and the relationship between the two in national secondary schools in the district of Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. This survey study uses a quantitative approach involving 127 respondents and uses descriptive and inferential analysis. Data were obtained using the Robert Wood Johnson Collaborative Leadership and Job Descriptive Index (JDI) questionnaire which was translated and modified in the context of this study. The results show that the level of collaborative leadership practices of principals and the level of job satisfaction as a whole teacher are at a high level. The study also found that there was a positive and very strong relationship between principals' collaborative leadership practices and teacher job satisfaction level [r (127) = 0.885, p <0.01]. The findings of this study should be used as a guide by school administrators to better understand the problems and responsibilities of principals in improving the professionalism and job satisfaction of teachers as well as the performance of students and schools as a whole.

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