
An outstanding example of the control of oil and gas production by sand distribution is provided by the Berea sand trend extending from Gay in Jackson County, northeastward through Spencer, Roane County, and Richardson, Calhoun County. With the exception of a few undeveloped edge areas, the producing area closely follows the extent of the sand. The producing area varies in width from less than one mile to about three miles. Cross sections show that the sand pinches out in both directions at right angles to the trend and the linear shape strongly suggests a buried beach. Although only the southwestern part of the trend is considered in the paper, the trend is known to continue northeastward to Fink Creek, Lewis County. A total length of over 55 miles. Within the sand body the adjustment of oil and gas to structure is very good, with oil in the synclines and gas on the intervening anticlines. No areas containing only water in the Berea sand are known along the trend. Secondary recovery of oil by means of gas drive is being tried near Spencer, on an experimental basis, with encouraging results. End_of_Article - Last_Page 942------------

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