
We study the dynamics of bosonic and fermionic anyons defined on a one-dimensional lattice, under the effect of Hamiltonians quadratic in creation and annihilation operators, also called Gaussian Hamiltonians. These anyonic models are obtained from deformations of the standard bosonic or fermionic commutation relations via the introduction of a nontrivial exchange phase between different lattice sites. We study the effects of the anyonic exchange phase on the usual bosonic and fermionic bunching behaviors. We show how to exploit the inherent Aharonov-Bohm effect exhibited by these particles to build a deterministic, entangling two-qubit gate and prove quantum computational universality in these systems. We define coherent states for bosonic anyons and study their behavior under two-mode passive, Gaussian devices. In particular we prove that, for a particular value of the exchange factor, an anyonic mirror can generate cat states, an important resource in quantum information processing with continuous variables.

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